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Double Records Prevention

In almost all CRM dictionaries there is mechanism that prevents creating doubled records. When creating contact, company or product system will suggest existing values that is similar to entered value.

Custom Dictionary Field

In the company/contact or product card a user can use values from any custom dictionary. Additionally user can create new dictionary record by entering new unexisting value in the card field and saving the card. You can see the example the using of custom dictionary "Software" in the Product/service Card:

Custom Field with Custom Dictionary Type

Sometimes it is necessary to use "Select list" field in JIRA issue. But values for this field can be added by JIRA administrator only. Using the CRM plugin you can add Custom field with Custom Dictionary type to JIRA issue and link it to one of your custom dictionaries. In this case all CRM users can add new records to the dictionary when typing new unexisting values and clicking (plus) button.

Create issue from comment

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