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There is an example of issue with a negative SLA Karma after closing:

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SLA Karma custom field

To use SLA Karma we should add a new custom field to Issue Screens. Go to the Administration /CustomFields > CustomFields and add field (type Number):

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SLA Karma post-function

SLA Karma field is updating if we do a transition. So, we should add special SLA Karma post-function to transition. For example, to "Close Issue":

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We must define a SLA field (SLA normative is stored here) and SLA Karma (SLA Karma will be stored here) field here:

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Although, we could add a special listener "Issue Assignee" to catch assign events. If SLA normative is violated, negative Karma will store to first assignee, but a new assignee. To do it, go to the Administration/HelpDesk/SLA Settings and choose affected by listener Projects and SLA fields:

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SLA Karma Gadget

We can view karma summary in the SLA Karma Gadget:

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here is:

  • Karma is a current balance of user. [Karma] = [Count of violations] + [Count successfully events]. For example, a user have closed 5 issues with violation and 10 without. His Karma will be equal 5.
  • Karma cases is a summary of all events (negative and positive).


We should add SLA Karma field to any JIRA Gadgets, something like that:

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