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Method's nameUser rightDescription
getcompanybynameCRM Main MenuReturn company by name or ID
getcontactbynameCRM Main MenuReturn contact by name or ID
getcompaniesCRM Main MenuReturn all companies
getcontactsCRM Main MenuReturn all contacts
sync CRM Main MenuStart synchronization of JIRA users
setcrmpropertiesCRM Main MenuSet custom field type "Crm Property" in issue
addcompanyAdd companiesAdd company
addcontactAdd contactAdd contacts
setcontactAdd contactsexising contact to companySet company for contacts
adddictionaryvalueAdd the values to dictionariesAdd new value to a custom dictionary
removedictionaryvalueRemove the values from dictionariesRemove value from a custom dictionary
searchentitiesSearch CRM objects by parametersSearch CRM objects by parameters
editcontact Edit contactsAbility to pass value parameters to the api methods by field codes or by field names
editcompanyEdit companiesAbility to pass value parameters to the api methods by field codes or by field names




Add contact with the specified attributes.

http://YOURDOMAIN/plugins/servlet/crm/api?command=addcontact&userName=${userName}&apiKey=${apiKey}&clients-contact_name=new contact&clients-contact_company=newCompany&view-clients-contact_company=newCompany&


Add company with the specified attributes.
